“Ask Derek”, part 1

Here are just a few of the questions the public asks our agency. You can submit yours to ConnectorSupport@SacCounty.gov

What is the status of the Southeast Connector? 

The overall Capital SouthEast Connector Expressway project is 34 miles long and connects three cities. To date, 12 miles have been finished, including two highway interchanges. Engineering, road alignments, right-of-way acquisitions, final environmental mitigation approvals and construction are proceeding on the project’s unfinished portions.  


What has been done and what’s next? 

We are proceeding with construction plans while seeking federal, state, and local funds to complete the job. The project receives substantial support from sales taxes overwhelming approved by voters, but the project’s magnitude requires additional revenue of about $400 million for completion.  


How big a deal is the connector? What difference will it make for the region’s residents and businesses? 

The Capital SouthEast Connector Expressway will greatly alleviate Highway 50 congestion and its associated air pollution by providing a route that avoids downtown Sacramento traffic. The project provides an effective travel corridor as the region’s population continues to grow and migrate to thriving new suburban housing developments. Meanwhile, the expressway will also significantly improve safe travel for farms, aggregate mines and other rural businesses that currently send their goods over dangerous roadways. 


What is the expected completion date and is the project currently on track?  

If we can continue to attract local, state, and federal funding for the project’s segments, we estimate completion in 2035. 


How is the project being funded and is there any new funding that should be mentioned? 

The project is funded by Sacramento County sales tax revenue as well as partnerships between city, state, and federal entities. We recently received word that we are likely to receive a $25 million federal grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation for the project segment along Grant Line Road. Additionally, Congressional Representatives Ami Bera, Doris Matsui and Kevin Kiley recently requested three $10 million federal funding earmarks for the Connector Expressway. 


Regional Appropriation Requests Highlight Support for Capital SouthEast Connector


Major Traffic and Congestion Relief Improvements underway in Sacramento